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Bee Cool Solar Ventilator (Fits 10 Frame)
Bee Cool Solar Ventilator (Fits 6 Frame)
Bee Cool Solar Ventilator (Fits 8 Frame)
Bee Cool Ventilator AC (Fits 10 Frame)
Bee Cool Ventilator AC (Fits 6 Frame)
Bee Cool Ventilator AC (Fits 8 Frame)
Bee Cool Ventilator AC/DC (Fits 10 Frame)
Bee Cool Ventilator AC/DC (Fits 6 Frame)
Bee Cool Ventilator AC/DC (Fits 8 Frame)
Parts & Accessories
12 Volt Transformer AC to DC
Bee Cool Solar Panel
Bee Cool Ventilator Thermostat (N/A)
Fan Screen
Main Ventilation Body
PV Panel Adjustment Arm
Solar Panel Wire Extension
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Bee Hive Studies
Studies By Universities
Bee Cool Ventilator - VERSUS - Natural Convection
Bee Cool Review
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Thermostatically controlled ventilator for bee hives, draws air in from hive entrance, up through and out the top,
and exhausts stale humid air out via the vents in ventilator. Weighs less then 10 lbs and takes less than 10 minutes
to set up. Fits under top cover. (Remove and discard inner cover.)
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Instead of your bees using their energy to fan, they can be busy hauling in nectar,
reducing the stress and increasing honey production and pollination. The exhausted air helps bees to orient to their correct hive.